I accept the challenge: Manuel Puro Casting
Whilst in lockdown I completed the '21 Day Selftape Challenge', an initiative from the minds of Manuel Puro and the Puro Casting Team.
An opportunity to act and create – every single day – accompanied by fellow actors from all over the world. It may push your limits, but you’ll be amazed by what you can achieve.
Every day I had 24 hours to learn and perform a range of pieces from contemporary screen films and dramas. I was also given a lesson on the perfect way to set up a selftaping environment, to prepare me for the 'new normal'.
Both Manuel and my fellow participants offered creative criticism, advise, guidance and praise; it was a really positive learning environment.
My thoughts -
This really was the perfect way to keep busy during lockdown! It's really hard for actors and industry professionals right now, and this was a really fab way of staying creative and feeling inspired. I highly recommend it!